Breaking the God/Man Barrier

Mark 15 vs. 37-38 “And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent (torn) into two from the top to the bottom.”


The last statement Jesus made before giving up His ghost was “It is finished”. This statement was a proclamation of a well-executed and finished mission as the bible recorded that the God/Man barrier (the curtain of the temple) tore from top to bottom. All our debts had been completely paid for and the ordinances/laws written against us erased by the Blood of Jesus. He died to save you and I. The spiritual darkness that engulfed our beautiful selves and made us ugly and terrible people has been cleaned and wiped out by the Blood. Now God sees us as clean and perceives us as a sweet smelling fragrance (2 Cor 2:14-15). Through the shedding of his blood, we can now address God as Father; we are now one big happy family. In practical terms, your surname is now God because He is Daddy now.

When Jesus said it is finished, truly, all things that oppressed your expression were over: your pain, your struggles and the sinful nature in you. Because He died in your place you don’t have to die anymore. Oh what a good Friday it really was when Jesus took your sins upon himself. No one else can love you the way He does.

Friends, the Blood of Jesus broke every barrier between you and God. Not even your sins can stop you from reaching God (Heb 4:16). Until a believer can appreciate this fact, true liberty from the bondage of the devil and guilt will be far from reach. People who think God turns his back on them and close his ears to their prayer when they fall short in sin unknowingly rebuild another barrier in their mind. This certainly makes the adversary/devil happy when you can’t flow any longer with God and thus easily tempts you from sin to sin. Friends, stick to Heb 4:16, the blood of Jesus has broken every barrier between you and God, don’t allow anything (not your shortcomings/sins or even your religion) rebuild another false barrier. Access God BOLDLY anytime, any day, anywhere and continually bask in His presence because Christ died for this very purpose. Halleluiah.

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